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Here I am looking at you!


Personal Information

Who am I?  Well that is too big of a question to answer in a web page.  To answer that question you have to get a live response. But here is a quick version for those who care.


What is in a Name?

With a name like mine, this is one of the first questions I always get.  So yes, Strafford Wentworth is an English name.  It has been passed down in my family for generations.  As I understand it, I am the third Strafford in the House of Wentworth.

Except for the "non-approachable" and "non-emotionally available" aspects, this name analysis of Strafford seems to apply.

With a name like Wentworth, there is of course a castle. Well I would call it more of an estate. My first name Strafford comes from my English ancestor, Thomas Wentworth Earl of Strafford, who helped enrich my family's history and built the estate. The Wentworth Castle is located a few miles outside of Barnsley England.


What is my personality like?

Well my personality has a definite shape.  Those who know me, understand the phrase "Oh that's Straff".  It is difficult to meet me and not get a good feeling for who I am.  My preferred method of working with people is direct, honest and open; with a focus on close personal relationships.

If you are you are familiar with Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, am balanced between two types, an INFJ and an ENFJ.  Here are some links so you can learn more:

INFJ,  overview

ENFJ,  overview


Exercise -- for fun -- to keep fit

If you are interested in joining me in some of these activities, let me know.

Running -- I learned to run distance in 5'th grade from a friend who had returned from the Peace Corps in Kenya.  First a mile, then two, then three and I'm still running and enjoying it today. 

Skiing -- I learned to ski when I was 3 1/2.  Skiing is in my blood and ignites my soul.  If I'm off skiing, it is very likely I have returned to my second home in Aspen.
Aspen Skiing Company information
Aspen general lodging information

Bicycling -- I have both a road bike and a mountain bike.  My preference is to crank off a 30 to 40 mile road ride on a beautiful Sunday morning, but an off road adventure with beautiful surroundings is always a joy.

Hiking / Walking -- This area is wonderful for an afternoon walk or a Saturday hike.

Tennis -- I've tried to learn this, but I have too many activity hobbies to keep this running strong.  So, I can play "at" tennis, but I am far from good.

Golf -- I have played a few games.


The Arts:

Music -- I have the genetic heritage of my amazing grandmother.  She was such a wonderful person, an amazing artist, and touched the mind and hearts of many.  She introduced the harpsichord to the United States and came over from Austria to give a concert in Carnegie Hall.  She loved the music of Bach and gave concerts all over the world.  She passed on her gift by holding a teaching post in the School of Music at the University of Southern California. It was my pleasure to know her when she was alive and listen to the beauty and magic of her music.

As for me, I play the guitar and tinker with the piano.  Nothing grand, but it keeps me happy.

Photography -- I started taking pictures for fun in high school and can still be found toting around a camera.

Painting / Drawing / Sculpture -- I have played around with many of the arts.  I know that I will have a treasure of activities to explore when I have a chance


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